Feb. 1 - Superbowl Sunday. This is the first year in a while that we didn't have any big plans for the Superbowl. It was actually pretty nice to just be home in my PJ's (of course) and not have to wait on anyone. I never used to be a football fan. My husband and a good friend of his had season tickets to the Bears back in the late 90's, so I started watching more of it then. (Always thinking I would get that glimpse of him at the game) It then became a Sunday afternoon ritual to watch whatever games might be on. Some of our best friends, Shawn and Ashley, are football fanatics (to say the least!) Shawn played in college and Ashley was a cheerleader, so they obviously know alot more about football than I do. This past season, Ashley and I, got to be a part of the Fantasy Football league with some guys from work. We actually did pretty well...we were in the top 4, most of the season. We got knocked out of Playoffs, but ended up 5th overall. Not too bad for the "bamagirls." Let me digress for a moment...we decided we needed a name and I of course thought we needed Tshirts. Ash is from Alabama..thus the "bama" and we're girls, so that part was kinda obvious. Anyhow, I made up these cute Pink Tshirts that said "bamagirls". During this year's season, we also had a Presidential election which lead to the inauguration of our current President, Barack Obama. Needless to say, we were mistaken for
(O)bama girls instead of "bama" girls. Considering we're Republicans, you can imagine the razzing we received. Anyhow, back to my Fantasy football story...our team only finished 5th overall; however, 3 of our players including our quarterback just happened to be a part of the 2009 Superbowl Championship Team. Guess we really can pick em...bamagirls RULE!!