Jan. 22 - Where's the Ring? Most people probably wouldn't notice or even think that it's a big deal, but today's picture disturbs me alittle. One of the first things I notice about someone is whether or not they are wearing a wedding ring, and then what does their wedding ring look like. I may not remember your face or your name, but I'll probably remember what your wedding ring looks like. Weird, I know. Anyhow, did you notice that Michelle Obama is not wearing her wedding ring?? She is fashioning a beautiful ring which I'm sure cost more than I'll see in my lifetime...however I have to wonder why she would choose any other ring over her wedding ring. I love my wedding ring... I never take off my wedding ring...it is my most prized material possession!! I know I don't need a ring to remind me how much my husband loves me, but I love the fact when people see my ring they know I'm married.
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