Feb. 24 - KiKi's Basketball game. We finally made out to see KiKi play basketball. I personally would have loved to see her play volleyball, however, basketball is what she chose. And she's really good...It's hard to believe our little KiKi will be a freshman next year!! It has been so cool watching her grow up and I look forward to all that is yet to come!! I hope she knows how much we love her and that we will always be here for her...Dan has a special little spot in his heart for KiKi. He may play the Papa Dan gig...but he really does love her. My girls look up to her so much..and so far, she has been an awesome role model. (No pressure, KiKi) Regan is so much like her it's kinda scary...but at least if she turns out like our little KiKi, I'm sure to be a proud momma!! I Love You, KiKi...don't ever forget it!! Thanks for loving my girls!
That is so sweet!!!!!! Thanks for loving her so much, too!