Jan. 27 - Biggest Loser Night. Every Tuesday, my family and I gather at someone's house to have dinner together and weigh in. After watching the TV show, Biggest Loser, for quite a few seasons, we have begun our own biggest loser contest. Each week we pay $3 to weigh in and the person that loses the most for that week only has to pay $2. We started this back in October and are having our finale on April 12 (Easter). We took December off because, well, it's just hard to be good in December. My first photo was of me actually on the scale but then I decided to take a picture of the scale before I got on. It kinda reminds me that every day is like an etch a sketch. When those numbers show up, I can either show everyone my wonderful "artwork" or I can shake the heck out of it and start over again. I love do overs!! Sometimes too much...Did I mention the $3 weigh in fee...well the winner with the largest percentage of weight loss wins the pot. Oh, I forgot to mention, if you gain any weight that week, you must pay $1 for every pound you gain. Brian had to pay $7 last week...what does that tell you!! I'm guess the "pot" should be around $600 by the time all is said and done. I'm gonna need that to buy new clothes when I win!! :)