Thursday, January 29, 2009

Jan. 28 - Emma and Nanny. Today was another day I had my nieces and nephew for the day. Only today, my grandmother came along to spend the day with us. I LOVE this picture. Emma was goofing around and huggin and kissin on Nanny...of course, Nanny loved it. I am so glad my kids and nieces and nephews are able to know their great grandmother and spend time with her. I have so many wonderful memories of her and my grandfather when I was growing up...camping, trips to the little store, watching movies, The Price is Right and fried chicken every Sunday. When my kids think of their Nanny I'm sure The Price is Right and doughnuts will come to mind.
Jan. 27 - Biggest Loser Night. Every Tuesday, my family and I gather at someone's house to have dinner together and weigh in. After watching the TV show, Biggest Loser, for quite a few seasons, we have begun our own biggest loser contest. Each week we pay $3 to weigh in and the person that loses the most for that week only has to pay $2. We started this back in October and are having our finale on April 12 (Easter). We took December off because, well, it's just hard to be good in December. My first photo was of me actually on the scale but then I decided to take a picture of the scale before I got on. It kinda reminds me that every day is like an etch a sketch. When those numbers show up, I can either show everyone my wonderful "artwork" or I can shake the heck out of it and start over again. I love do overs!! Sometimes too much...Did I mention the $3 weigh in fee...well the winner with the largest percentage of weight loss wins the pot. Oh, I forgot to mention, if you gain any weight that week, you must pay $1 for every pound you gain. Brian had to pay $7 last week...what does that tell you!! I'm guess the "pot" should be around $600 by the time all is said and done. I'm gonna need that to buy new clothes when I win!! :)

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Jan. 26 - GNO!! First of all, Happy Birthday Kiki!! I can't believe you're 14 today!! Love you!! Tonight Regan and I had a girls night out, while Rylie had some daddy Rylie time. We went to McDonalds for dinner (I tried talking her into anything but that!) and then got our dessert to eat at home. Our fav...Reese's Peanut Butter Cup Blizzard!! YUMMY!!
Jan. 25 - Sunday night movie night. Sunday nights are usually movie nights at my house. Usually we rent a kids flick and a "big" kid's flick from our local Redbox. Can't beat $1 movies!! Anyhow, one of my favorite kid flicks was on TV tonight so we watched it. This is one of my favorite scenes in the movie, I don't really know why, it just makes me laugh. If you don't know what movie it is....think Ashton Kucher and Martin Lawrence....guesses anyone??
Jan. 24 - Soccer Saturday again. Here are my two beautiful soccer girls in their new shirts. Just so happens that purple is one of my favorite colors!
Jan. 23 - Build A Bear. Here are the finished products from our visit to Build A Bear. (Rylie's gift card for her birthday) As you can see, even though it isn't Regan and Olivia's birthday, they both got an animal too. Aunt Tara is such a softie!! Rylie's animal, a dog named Brownie, got a special outfit since she was the birthday girl. None other than a Chicago Bears Cheerleading outfit. We'll be ready for next season!! The Bears could definitely use all the help they can get !
Jan. 22 - Where's the Ring? Most people probably wouldn't notice or even think that it's a big deal, but today's picture disturbs me alittle. One of the first things I notice about someone is whether or not they are wearing a wedding ring, and then what does their wedding ring look like. I may not remember your face or your name, but I'll probably remember what your wedding ring looks like. Weird, I know. Anyhow, did you notice that Michelle Obama is not wearing her wedding ring?? She is fashioning a beautiful ring which I'm sure cost more than I'll see in my lifetime...however I have to wonder why she would choose any other ring over her wedding ring. I love my wedding ring... I never take off my wedding is my most prized material possession!! I know I don't need a ring to remind me how much my husband loves me, but I love the fact when people see my ring they know I'm married.
Jan. 21 - The Koepkemobile. Today's picture is of our family mode of transportation. I was one of those moms who didn't think I needed a minivan, and really did NOT want one!! I was quite happy with my Grand Prix and getting the kids in and out didn't seem to be too much of a chore. After attending the Chicago Auto Show and sitting in different minivans, just to see if I might like one, I fell in love with the Odyssey. I thought "one day if I ever get a minivan, I would like an Odyssey." In the summer of 2005, we became the proud owners of our Honda Odyssey. I love my van, love the room, and love that my kids can get in and out very easily. Until about a month ago, unbeknowst to me, I found out my husband really doesn't like the van and only got it cause he knew I loved it. Needless to say, this baby is last til my kids graduate!! At least I hope it does...I really don't want another car payment!! Note to my wonderful hubby: notice how clean the van is (thanks to a free car wash coupon)...I really need to working on keeping the van alittle cleaner. It really drives hubby crazy.
Jan. 20 - Inauguration Day. Today is the inauguration of the first African American President, Barack Obama. The morning had something on every page regarding the "change" that our country is about to experience. I do believe it is definitely a historic inauguration, the change part I'll have to get back to you on. BTW, I made this cup of coffee just for the picture, I normally take way more cream!! Right now the flavor of the month is English Truffle. YUM, YUM!!
Jan. 18 - Yes that's a Road! I told you about all the snow we've been getting...I still haven't looked up that total. It's snowing again today, and I'm crazy enough to head to the grocery store. This is the road I travel every day, every where I go...I'll have to make sure I get pictures from every season. This picture reminds me how lucky I am to be able to enjoy the season of winter.
Jan. 18 - Playing the snow. There hasn't been a shortage of snow this year. The girls have thoroughly enjoyed playing the massive amounts of snow we have gotten. Just when we thought we were through for awhile, then we got some more. We got 9" in one storm...not sure what the total is for this year...I'll have to look that up. Could be very useful information some day?! I think the girls are missing the lazy days of summer, I know I am!
Jan. 17 - Soccer Saturday. This is where you'll find me for the next couple months every Saturday morning around noon. My girls are playing soccer and are on the same team. Also on their team are their 2 cousins. Here Rylie is a little apprehensive about being on the "front" line so Regan is giving her a little pep talk to reassure her. Regan is a good big sister and loves her little sis very much!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Jan. 16 - Checkers Anyone?? Regan learned how to play checkers at school and has been obsessed with it ever sense. We got this checker set at our local dollar store and it has definitely been worth the $2 it cost to watch Regan trying to teach Rylie how to play.

Today was hard to pick one picture. In the midst of learning how to play checkers, Rylie also wanted to learn how to wink with one eye. This was her best attempt....I LOVE IT!! Tear, tear...
Jan. 15 - Rylie and her laptop. Here's Rylie with her new "laptop" she got for her birthday. She gets hers out every time I get mine out. She doesn't like using the mouse either, cause I don't use one. And she likes to sit in my big comfy chair....the only thing she's missing...a big cup of coffee!
Jan. 14 - Sleeping Beauty. Regan and Rylie attended their first ever slumber party at Olivia's house last weekend. One of the great party favors were these great sleep masks. Regan wears hers every night. It makes me giggle every time I check on them at night, to see her laying there with this mask on. Tonight I decided I needed a makes me giggle looking at it now. She didn't flinch or move when the flash went off....those sleep masks must really work. Even if they don't, it looks really cute on a 6 year old!! Thanks Crystal for a great slumber party!!
Jan. 13 - Rylie Party #2. Today we celebrated Rylie's birthday with the Dooley's. Some of this year's gifts included a virtual notebook (Gram and Papa), Furball in a bag (Sheets), more Pet Shops (Regan), and a Build a Bear Gift Card (Gerstenbergers). Doesn't she look so old!! Tear, Tear...
Jan. 12 - More Snow. This is one of the views off my back deck. It has been snowing up a storm. More snow than I've seen in along time. The flakes were huge...great tongue catchers!! Lake effect snow was adding up quickly and I was fearing a snow day or two were in our near future.

Jan. 11 - My Baby's 5!! My sweet Rylie turned 5 today. It really does seem like yesterday she was born. She says she feels much older now that she's 5 and is ready to go to Kindergarten now. She thinks since she's ready, they should just let her go. Many days I'm ready for her to go, but when the day truly comes, I'm sure I won't be ready. With Regan, I bawled like a baby, so I'm sure I'll bawl when Rylie goes. BTW, I had a good cry Baby's 5!! :)
Jan. 10 - Splash Universe. Every January we take the girls to an indoor waterpark for the weekend. We usually go to Wisconsin Dells, however, with our upcoming vacation in February, we stayed closer to home and visited a new indoor waterpark in Shipshewanna, IN. I love this picture....the huge bucket dumping water...aren't they just the cutest!! I'm so proud of my family and am extremely biased. I have the world's greatest husband, and the 2 most beautiful girls you could ever dream of having!! I'm so blessed and thankful!
Jan. 9 - Snow. We have had more than our share of snow already this winter. Today it seems to be neverending. Good thing I have tomorrow to look forward to. (You'll have to wait to see tomorrow's picture to know what I'm talking about) I do love to watch is snow; it has such a peaceful grace about it. It's very calming...also a great excuse to start a fire in the fireplace and have a cup of coffee. (Always looking for an excuse for a cup of coffee)
Jan. 8 - Goofball. Not only is my Rylie sweet, but she is a goofball. In the midst of my grumbling about laundry, my daughter decided it would be funny to see if she could fit in the hamper. Not only did she fit, she shut the lid and thought it would make a great hiding spot!
Jan. 7 - Rylie LIVE! My sweet Rylie loves to sing and give concerts. Today she decided she needed a skinny microphone...a brown crayola marker works great! I believe here she was singing the song "Mommy's the Greatest"!!
Jan. 6 - Vault coffee night. This is my friend Courtney, you know the one I said was hasseling me. She is one of my dearest friends. She is a member of the Vault. The Vault consists of 4 of us who love coffee, love each other and love Jesus. We try and meet for coffee at least once a month to get caught up on everyone's lives...and to just enjoy each other...and of course, coffee. She is modeling the "washer" jewelry I created for her and my other fellow vault members. Love you guys!!
Jan. 5 - Once a Week. Once a week, I have the privilege to watch my nieces and nephew for the day. I don' t always look at this as a privilege, but looking at this picture reminds of how lucky I am to have my family close. 7 of the 9 grandkids all live within 5 miles of each other. For the most part, they get along really well, and boy, aren't they just so darn cute!! It helps out my sisters with free daycare, and gives me a designated day to enjoy being an aunt!
Jan. 4 - Laundry. Not much else really needs to be said. Laundry...not one of my favorite household chores. I don't really mind the whole washing, drying, folding aspect; it's the putting away part that I really don't like. Especially putting the kids clothes away UPSTAIRS...I know I should look at it as exercise, but I don't. There are many a weeks when laundry day rolls around again and I have to empty the baskets of the clean clothes I still haven't put away from the week before, so I can put more folded laundry in them to put away. Vicious pun.
Jan. 3 - Tea cup sets from Lexi's party. Today the girls and I attended a Tea Party. It was Lexi's 6th birthday party. All the girls "dressed" up and had cake and Tea aka hot cocoa. For one of the crafts, the girls decorated their own plate, cup and saucer to take home. My girls have had quite a few tea parties with these sets and a couple of their closest friends, Barry the Bear and Scooby the dog.

Jan. 2 - Dressing Up. My girls love to dress up. Not in the usual frilly dress up clothes..they want to wear normal clothes, but "dress" them up, as they would say. And as you can see, accessories...there can never be too many. (Notice Rylie is wearing socks and tennis shoes...that's my tomboy)

Jan. 1 - Lego blocks. Every New Years Day, the Koepke's get together for a party. This year it was at my in-laws in Boone Grove, IN. My mother in-law has saved all the old toys my husband and his 2 sisters used to play with for the grandkids. This year my husband pulled out his old Legos and spent the afternoon building houses with our 2 daughters. I love how worn the Legos look and loved listening to the stories he told our girls of all the different things he used to build when he was little.

Peek into my Life

A friend of mine has been "hasseling" me about starting a blog. :) Love you I thought why not. I'm working on a picture a day for 2009 and thought this would be a good way to keep up on my thoughts and photos until I can get them in a book. Most of the photos will have no significance to anyone but me...they are snapshots of my life one day at a time. They help remind me that I have a very blessed life; from my beautiful family to my love of coffee. ( I can't imagine life without coffee) Perish the thought!! Well, for those of you who know me, I hope you enjoy "peeking" into my life; for those of you who don't know me, I hope you'll see my photos and hear my stories and want to "peek" into my life again. Come back often, you're always welcome here.